Come play card and board games, build with blocks, enjoy dramatic play, arts and crafts, games in the gym, and more, all in a school setting supervised by State of Michigan and Saline Area Schools vetted employees.
Are you a gamer who would like to have fun, make friends, and compete? Want to try to win a State Championship in your favorite titles? Then join the Saline Esports Team and compete against other high schools in Valorant, Rocket League, League of Legends, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, and possibly other titles! Learn to work as a team and build friendships through competitive gaming. You can compete in as many titles as you like, pending they do not overlap. There is a fall season and a spring season you can choose from if you have other sports or extracurriculars, and you can compete during both seasons at a discounted price! For more information, visit
Instructor: Steve Vasiloff
Grade: 9th-12th (Saline High School students only)
Days of the week: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Time: After school until 4 pm, later on competition days
Location: Saline High School, Room C202 and 204
Fee: $200 for either the Fall or Spring season, or $300 for both. *No one will be turned away for financial reasons. Reach out to Steve Vasiloff at if financial assistance is needed*
Steve Vasiloff
No Class Mar 6 & Mar 25-Mar 27
No Class Oct 17, Nov 19-Nov 21, Nov 26-Nov 28, Dec 3-Dec 5, Dec 10-Dec 12, Dec 17-Dec 19, Dec 24-Dec 26, Dec 31-Jan 2, Jan 7-Jan 9, Jan 14-Jan 16, Jan 21-Jan 23, Jan 28-Jan 30, Feb 4-Feb 6, Mar 6 & Mar 25-Mar 27
Online registration is over